Conditions of Participation

  • The age of 18 is required to participate in the SFJ. The cut-off date is the first day of arrival at the event.
  • Smoking is only allowed outside the building. Special consideration must be given to fursuiters.
  • During the event, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted, but alcohol excesses as well as offensive behavior are undesirable.
  • Drug use or sale is not permitted and will result in immediate expulsion from the event.
  • Polite, civilized interaction with each other is desired, but brawls and fights are not.
  • Damage to other people’s property of any kind is to be refrained from. If something is accidentally damaged, please report it to the security or the organizers, then this will cause the least problems for everyone involved.
  • Climbing games of any kind on the event area are to be refrained from. The playground is excluded from this.
  • Staying in closed off areas is prohibited.
  • Bringing weapons of any kind is prohibited. LARP weapons must be taken from the security at the control center.
  • Real fur fursuits and taxidermy animals are prohibited.
  • The conbadge must be worn visibly at all times.
  • Wearing lanyards (lanyards for badges) in the colors red, black and orange, if not issued by the organizer is not allowed.
  • Wearing of clothing with the inscription “Security, Safety, Organizer” or similar is not permitted.
  • Excessive display of sexual behavior or wearing of fetish clothing is prohibited in public.
  • Fursuits are to be worn outside the fursuit lounge in such a way that no exposed skin is visible.
  • Flying drones and other remote-controlled or autonomous flying devices on and above the event area is not permitted without exception.
  • Sachsen-Furs e.V. reserves without restriction all rights to video and photographic material collected at the event, with the exception of recordings from private rooms.
  • You allow that photo and video recordings are made of you and that these may be used for publications.
  • Sachsen-Furs e.V. is not liable for any damage caused to clothing and fursuits by possible emergency measures.
  • The fursuitlounge is a retreat for the fursuiters, therefore only fursuiters and the organizers are welcome here. One helper per fursuiter is allowed. Photography and filming is not allowed in this room.
  • The DJ, and backstage area may only be entered by DJs and organizers.
  • The area behind the bar is reserved for bartenders, organizers and helpers.
  • Entering and using the showers in fursuit is forbidden!
  • The instructions of the organizers and the security are to be followed.
  • The use of fireworks is only permitted on the public street; however, it is never allowed on the youth hostel premises.
  • Anyone who violates the conditions of participation, the instructions of the security or the organizers, must expect exclusion from the existing and further events.